What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the skin. Facial skin is mostly treated, and scarring can be improved. Chemical peels are intended to remove the outermost layers of the skin. To accomplish this task, the chosen peel solution induces a controlled injury to the skin. Chemical peels are a great way to improve acne, acne scars, texture irregularities, enlarged pores, fine lines, and pigmentation. There are varities of different peels that may be suited for all skin types. Skincore uses the best formulated peels from the Circadia Advance Professional Skincare line to best treat all skin types and conditions.

Who is eligible to receive a Chemical Peel?

Mostly every person is eligible for a chemical peel. A thorough consultation is required as certain contraindications such as, pregant, planning on being pregnant, breast feeding, history of cold sores, lupus, active lesions or open wounds/ imparied skin, would make one ineligible. It is best recommended before receiving a peel to prep the skin 2-4 weeks prior. This will ensure best results as well as following all post care instructions.

How do I prep my skin and do I need to prep my skin?

Everyone needs to and should be prepping their skin before a chemical peel. Think of this as the warm-up or stretch before an activity or a work out. A chemical peel causes a controlled wound to the skin to stimulate cell regeneration. If the skin is not prepped properly, the chemical peel may not be as fully and evenly effective on the treated are.

Ways you can prep your skin are:

1.Hydrating prior and after every peel

2. Use sun protection 2-4 weeks

3. Use of Tyrosinase inhibitor (ingredients that will prevent future pigmentation from forming , especially recommended with people of olive skin tone or darker as a peel causes inflammation and stimulate pigmentation to form.)

4. Use of Retinol 2-4 weeks prior

How often can I get a Chemical Peel?

Depending on the purpose, you may receive a chemical peel as soon as 2-8 weeks apart. Considering the skin type, condition, goal, peel type, and budget. Typically chemical peels are done for two reasons, 1. To correct and 2. To prevent.

When correcting skin irregularities it is best to have continual treatments, as soon as the skin allows, to optimize best results as the skin is regenerating. In this case, chemical peels may be administered more frequently, 2-4 weeks apart, for approximately series of 4-6 peels.

For prevention, peels can be administered every 3-4 months to stimulate cell turnover and exfoliation. For best results, a proper and effective skin care regimen is recommended, when doing procedures such as chemical peels.

What can I expect from Laser Tattoo Removal?

Laser tattoo removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that is safe, effective, and only takes only minutes to perform.  

Have you ever seen an old tattoo that is partially faded? Tattoos naturally fade over time because the body’s immune system recognizes that tattoo ink is a foreign substance and tries to remove ink particles.

Laser tattoo removal speeds up the natural process by shattering tattoo ink into smaller pieces that flush away more easily.

Tattoo Ink and Skin

Tattoo ink is trapped in the deepest layer of the skin. When tattoos are applied, ink particles are inserted with a needle into varying depths of this bottom layer.

When tattoo removal laser light is applied to the skin, it heats up and shatters the ink that it reaches first within the skin. In other words, the shallowest layers of ink are removed before the deepest layers.

It takes multiple treatments to penetrate through all of the varying depths of ink in a tattoo. If a tattoo is particularly dark or bold, it will require more treatments to remove the ink compared to shaded tattoos with a lower density of ink. Treatment time takes a few minutes, topical numbing cream is applied and cooling agent is used during treament to make the procedure as comfortable as possible. Laser tattoo removal is NOT pain-free. There is mild discomfort during the procedure, consultation is required prior, and expectations are set during the consultation on how many treatments/sessions may be required to achieve your goal.

Risks/Possible reactions include but not limited to , redness, swelling, blistering, chaffing, dryness, itchiness, tightness, scabbing, flaking,and darkening of the pigment. These reactions may be a possibility, not necessary. Takes days to a week to completely heal. You may repeat treatment as often as needed, given enough time in between sessions to allow the skin to heal.

How to prepare for a treatment?

Bring with you current products that is used for your home care routine.

Stop the use of any acidic products and retinol 3-5 days before treatments.

No sun exposure for a minimum of 3 days prior to any skin treatments and 3 days after.

Must be 2 weeks since any injectables like Botox, fillers and any hair removal; wax, thread, laser.

Must wait 3 months after fibroblasting treatments for any treatments.

Must be 6 month off Accutane.

How often can I get a Facial?

A typical deep cleansing of the skin may be done once a month. Corrective treatment, like acne, scars, pigmentation, fine lines, enlarged pores, can be done 2-3 weeks apart for the first 3 sessions. This, along with professional home care products can improve and provide optimal results.Facial treatments are meant to enhance and help correct and heal one’s skin. Here at Skincore in Clermont,Fl, we pride ourselves in giving each and every patient the personalized attention to their skin with the most up to date and appropriate treatment and technology best suited for their skin concern and skin type.

Should I need to wear sunscreen?

ABSOLUTELY ! Sunscreen is the best way to reduce premature aging, skin cancers, and pigmentation. Doesn’t matter your melanin in your skin everyone needs sun protection, ALWAYS! Best to use sunscreen labeled with “Broad Spectrum” to cover UVA, UVB, & UVC rays, SPF of at least 35. SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. You take the SPF, lets say 35 X by how many minutes it takes for your skin to burn, or turn red/react to the sun ( the lighter your skin complexion, the few minutes its takes to burn), this will give you an approximate amount of minutes your sunscreen will protect your skin.

Good rule of thumb is to apply sunscreen every 2-3 hours.

There are two types of sunscreen:

Physical and Chemical.

How do I get rid of blackheads and whiteheads?

Use a proper facial cleanser for your skin type. Are you oily? Dry? Combination? Stay away from bar soaps as they contain high sulfates and overly strips the lipid barrier which drys the skin. Not sure of your skin type , schedule a consultation to discuss YOUR skin.

Along with a proper cleanser, exfoliation at least once a week will help eliminate those blackheads and whiteheads.

Proper hydration and protection helps to soften the skin and prevent the skin from becoming dry, tight, and congested.

To learn more about how to clear your skin, schedule a consultation.


Book an appointment.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to make a change. Maybe you don’t know the right questions to ask. Or maybe you know what you want and need a guide to the right treatment/products to get there. Whatever it is, we are here to help. Book your appointment and take the first step. Remember, “Healthy skin, starts with you!”